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Interview with Ellen
时间:2014年09月08日 10:22    作者:     点击:

Interview with Ellen

Time: 17:00 June 30, 2010

Place: Foreign Affairs Office

Participants: Press Center, Journalism Club, Paul, Matthew, Aaron, Rothschild,

1. 对于生活在太原工业学院的所有师生,回国前您最想说的一句话是什么?

l Having been in Taiyuan Institute of Technology for 2.5 years, what do you want to say most to all of the students you taught before leaving?

2. 来到中国这是您的第三个年头,三年过去了,您最大的收获是什么?

l You know, this is the 3rdtime you came to join us, time flies! What's your biggest achievement here?

3. 谈谈您对中国的大学教育的些许看法,有哪些不足以及值得借鉴的地方?

l What's your opinion on Chinese education? Any suggestions?

4. 对比来中国之前和在中国生活的这三年,您发现中国与您想象中的一样吗?有哪些相同和哪些不同呢?

l Have your ever changed your thought since you came to China? Is China the same as what you thought before coming here?

5. 您最喜欢吃中国的哪一道菜?对中国的美食您有什么看法

l What's your favourite Chinese food here? What do you think of Chinese food?

6. 对于现阶段的您本可以在美国安享您的晚年生活?为什么会选择来到这样一个地方?

l Actually, you could live a more comfortable and enjoyable life in the USA these years, why do you choose to come to China,especially Taiyuan?

7. 在这里生活的日子里您有感到过孤独或是寂寞的时候吗?

l Have you ever felt lonely when you were alone here?

8. 举例说说在这里有什么让您不开心的事情吗?

l Have there any things making you unhappy or angry here?

9. 您在校期间为这里的学生们做了很多有意义的事情,比如说每个星期五的电影之夜,每个星期三针对全校开放的英语角,现在中国的学生对于学习英语的兴趣逐渐升高,您对他们有什么建设性的意见吗?

l You know, you've done a lot of things for all the students here, such as movie night on Friday and English Corner on Wednesday, now most Chinese college students are becoming more and more interested in learning English, do you have any useful suggestions for them on improving their English?

10. 对比起美国的同类理工院校,您认为我们学校的特色或是异同点式是什么呢?

l What do you think the characteristic of our school, an engineering school is, are there any differences or sameness between them?

11. 现在很多中国的大学生一旦进入大学之后就如同进入了象牙塔,他们忘记了或是模糊了自己的人生目标以及理想,您认为在大学里除了书本上的知识,最重要的是什么?

l Nowadays, many Chinese college students are leading a light life in thetower of ivory, some of them are becoming lazier and lazier, sometimes they even lose their goals, they do not know what to do or how to deal with troubles, what do you think the most important thing is in college life except knowledge in books?

12. 您在中国也去过不少的城市,举例说说哪个方肯定给您留下颇深的印象?

l You know, you’ve been to many places in China such as Hainan, Pingyao, Xi’an, Beijing and so on.Which impresses you most?

13. 中美两国的友谊日渐加深,民间交往越来越频繁和多样化,您给我们树立了一个很好的榜样,让我们看到了美国人和蔼可亲的一面,每个被您教过的学生都受益匪浅,我们在这里代表全校的师生向您再次表示衷心的感谢,希望您回国后的生活健康幸福。

l Friendship between China and the United States has increased much during these years, more and more frequent and diverse non-governmental exchanges happen between two nations, you really set up a good example, and we really see the amiable side of the Americans. We are here on behalf of all students and teachers to express our appreciation to you again, hope you a healthy and happy life with your family after returning home in the USA, thank you for talking so much for the interview today!